Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Writing help!

So I need writing advice. What program do you use? What do you do with the kids who have very few letter/sounds?

We do kid writing but are changing to the writing academy. 

Right now we do a picture and write an sentence about it. I keep the same picture and have my students help me write the sentences. Then they go to their seats and draw then write. This is a terrible drawing of my dog, Zoie, who is mean. I love they remembered me saying that and wrote it. 

Advice? Tips? All welcome. 

Xoxo Bobbie 

Saturday, September 14, 2013


I'm soooo late with this. I loved everything in my box. It was one thing I looked forward to was talking to my new blog friends via email. My partner was Kelly from

I love getting mail! It's the best! So this made my week. Thank you Kelly!! Sorry this is soo late school has been hectic. 

Xoxo Bobbie

Fun food

I love to have a fun snack every week to go with the theme or the letter we are learning. 
Our first fun food was a chicka chicka boom boom tree. 

Then we studied the letter Land apples so we had a lion and the next day baked apples. 
She ate half the main so this was the best picture. 
They loved cooking in class. This one required a lot of instruction and following the rules. They used an apple peer, plastic knife, and a recipe. 

Our latest fun food was octopus stew. Just a hotdog cut. I hate, hate hotdogs but they love them. 

My kinder cuties look forward to fun food Friday every week and we have a blast cooking in kindergarten. 

Xoxo Bobbie